Thursday, March 4, 2010

Robert Monroe's Reach In The World

I went to Monroe's large, extremely modern airport (here) forum yesterday.
 Bruce Moen (TMI Grad) implemented in his books, partnered exploration, which some of us have done on other forums ever so briefly back in 2005 and later in 2008-09.

I'm very good at partnered exploration with the technique of phasing, (a word not expounded upon much in Monroe's material, but is talked about some in Bruce's Afterlife Knowledge 5th Guidelines book. although I have not developed it to the level I wish to. I had a fumbling start at it on one forum, and at AKC before I left there.
It could never seem to get off the ground, insofar as being able to teach others the phasing. as one person flying, it just doesn't make me feel better if the others are grounded.
whoever showed up on the exploration threads would often say "I didn't get anything." which is honest, and at least they tried. It is preferable to know at least they tried.

I lived for the moments a few would describe what they did get, and it jived with what I'd got. my thrill was there.

so as I was saying I was checking into Monroe's new forum here and it's very commercially oriented, but you would expect this from a businessman such as Monroe was always that, and his followers are true to his style; Monroe is a consciousness explorer who knows money is needed to get knowledge about ourselves out there to every seeker of it.

Yet there are some of us, who do not necessarily have to pay monetarily to learn some techniques for exploration, or to get your mind outside the box, such as being a dreamwalker, or out of body, out of mind, traveler or just call it partnered exploration, seems less awe inspiring to say that.

We don't want to glamorize these explorations and still yet they are in their infancy stage. the advent of TMI gives credence to us, the explorers, the mystics, the psychics needing direction as well theologians if they can get past their bias.

As I surfed the site for activity looking to add my 2 cents of what I know of this area, I found a fellow explorer with his own website regarding monthly exploration trips they take. lo and behold, he had only 2 members. So I requested membership. So you can see how we are indeed still in the infancy stage of this type of joined activity.

Indeed, I can surmise many do not even perceive the significance, or the objective of such activity. That is why those who do see the significance can afford to share a bit of enthusiasm, for the power we have to simply connect mind to mind with one another, and in that way we can see our oneness operating.
It's almost political! United we stand, divided we fall. I think we are all tired of standing up and then falling down.

I am one who is enthusiastic. It's a trait of the Sagitarian nature and many hate me for it. Yet by forming exploration groups, we not only unite in oneness, we discover our own uniqueness to add to the pot.
We expand the area of human consciousness as to who and what we are; throw in a large measure of loving attention to one another and you get the picture that we are stepping headlong into the new age despite traditional society attempting to keep the status quo and hold back these renegade explorers from purporting we go out of the body, or phase, or meditate and as a consequence we bring change to the way the world has operated in the past.

Essentially, we become aware we are more than just this body, this role in society we play, we are more than that, and if you get the feeling, you can sense, we are spirits playing in flesh and it's certainly not always easy, but our joining makes it so much smoother.

This then was Monroe's vision: to get all to receive the "basic." The basic is service to life. If you slowly repeat that in a meditation over a period of literal years, you begin to see how we truly are all in this thing called life together. I saw what service to life actually means. I became much less important in my own eyes, however the glory of how expansive God is, began to be felt as a continual stream of love energy in my physical being and my other 6 bodies. (there are 7 bodies of each individual.) I feel Bob would forgive my use of the word God, as searching his books, I discovered the term "Great Designer."
We can call this divine order operating then and let it go at that.

There seems to be a veil over the eyes of most of humanity, as indeed, it is reported this veil was put in place upon incarnation. This is not just reported in Monroe's books, it is a premise also reported in esoteric literature. And, now, in my own experience, as I began to do retrievals, I also began to remember who I was before I was who I am now. It is a forgetfulness of who we really are, in order to fit into the role, the design of the life we are singularly attending to now, we forget all the other lives.
 When the veil begins to rend the memories are staggering but we are flexible and can handle them slowly with Spirit abiding within and trusting in God, we will not be given more than we can handle. The veil causes us to forget, that it's service to others which is the Basic Monroe discovered needs to be unveiled. In current society service to self is far more esteemed.
This veil will be rended soon enough, for all, to see that serving others IS serving your own self, for we are so intrinsically effecting of one another that we can't get anything accomplished without everyone pooling their unique talents.

In the long run exploration of consciousness will increase this oneness and rend the veil, and in that case a new world does unfold. Patiently and slowly, and then with increasing momentum.

 Continuing, after requesting membership with the fellow adventurer I found on Monroe's site I had this dream I share:

I do believe, after awaking, that the person I saw in the dream was either a person working behind this forum or the person whom I joined with last night in thought who is a member here.

I was talking to a worker of a small advertisement brochure, newspaper, perhaps a weekly little affair. (this is perfect symbology for me, as I used to work for small paper networks; they bring buyer and seller together.)

She was a young lady who worked there before the man arrived. She was pleasant natured, of light color hair. The opening of the dream has me lifting up one of the printed papers; all the ads are there in front. Behind the ads I noticed something has been added to the paper to expand it.
Headlines! News! Several pages reinforce the paper, and now it is no longer just a small advertising paper bringing buyers and sellers into contact.
Now, it is a full fledged newspaper in the making! (I also used to be a newspaper carrier with a route. The news had to go out everyday, despite weather conditions, as many started their day with the newspaper.)

I exclaimed to her how did the paper expand this way? In walks the fellow and she explains to me that he used to be a newspaper tycoon and for some reason that company went out of business and so he joined this company as he knew how to build a good newspaper and almost overnite, this newspaper was growing larger and more successful.
He had a talent for promotion, organizing, and it was very admirable.

I was thinking we may generate, in time, or reconstruct out partnered exploration group right here or on any forum we may be involved with.
It's something to think about. We could think of areas of exploration that we are personally interested in and throw it out to the group and see what happens. small groups are good at first, groups of 10 may be a good number later.
Partnered exploration starts with just 2 and then can blossom into more folks joining as they are led to by Spirit.

It's really not in our hands, what and whom Spirit controls, but those who are in a spiritual contract with others, since before birth, will come together, and this we can believe. I see this happening quite efficiently in my daily life. love to all, LR

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sharing Feral Cat Tales

The environment contains the animals and supports them as the Earth supports the people on it. The animals need help from the humans. Animals belong to the planet just as do humans. They have a right to live just as we do. When we kill animals needlessly, it is like killing a part of the Earth, of nature. Controlling their breeding is our natural option and solution to over-crowding. What you get in return is a part of life that gives love back to you because it knows you love it. Without love in this life, life is not worth living for any of us.

Tomorrow is the feral cat clinic in Las Vegas and it looks like my daughters, animal rights activists themselves, will not be making the drive with me, so I have to gather courage to load 5 caged cats, all in quiet misery, into a little sports job car and trek on over to Vegas, an hour and half drive and get in line.

The good part of all this stressful time, is the line is long. People line up to get checked in with their ferals. I had eleven cages full last month. One Sunday of the month the clinic is open. Vets donate their time for the lives of homeless pets so that animal control does not kill them as pests, in the cities. Alot of people had as many animals as I did at that time, and together, last month the number of cats fixed were over 200.

Bobbi said she's expecting over 300 cats to arrive tomorrow, as it's mating season. I asked her on the phone, is this mating season?
Is that the reason 4 huge male toms appeared from out of nowhere, claiming the food I put down for my own batch of fixed cats?

And God, they are beauties. Males seem to be huger than the females and twice as mean looking. the other night I caught the amazon black male, plus 2 others in my back bedroom.

A female slipped down into my heater vents and peed down there. Now I can't turn on my furnace because of the smell.
I'm a clean freak, so this makes me stressed out, and I can't sleep at night because the smell is so bad. I've been cleaning the furnace vents, but can only reach so far into them with my brush.

She's under my bed now and I must figure out how not to get scratched and bitten when I place her back into the trap cage for the ride.

Around midnite last night I took a shower which fills the air with moisture, and for some reason this made the smell go away. btw, don't use pinesol or ammonia for urine stains. if you do, now you have a sickly odor of pinesol mixed with urine! lol! Pet neutralizers do work, but temporary and it depends on the brand.

I must keep in mind uppermost the welfare of the cats and not my own misery as I go through this, keeping their population down.

I found one cat sitting on my engine block when I opened the hood. I could have had an accident if I'd driven down the road with her there. Intuition told me to check under there, the oil level.
Thinking why should I check the oil, I went ahead and opened the hood, Spirit is protecting these animals and me too.

On a lighter note the 11 fixed have more loving natures now, and I see them frisking and playing and cleaning each other happily, as they know they can live here and I won't chase them away just because of the numbers of them. They are my family right now and I wasn't going to get attached, but now I am trying to decide which ones I simply could not live without, if I happen to move from this area in the future.

Orange 6 toes tom is a fav. I like the way he lets the others eat first. he's very polite. then the siamese mix has 6 toes too, very pretty she is and has taken to laying in my potted plant outdoors as her special place.
The others are slowly accepting her joining us and she has learned to shove her face into the food bowl like the others.

I think I have 6 toes's father here in the bedroom. He can't be more than a few years old but his eyes look like that of an old defeated man, full of pain and sorrow. I hope the neuter will extend his life and that he will know he's welcome to live with my clan and have kibbles every day.

Then I think I have Aunt Priscilla's mom or dad also sharing the same bedroom. She's huge and has the same exact face that Priscilla does, sort of mischievous, both these guys have long hair, tails like a feather duster waving in the wind. Priscilla, out of 14 cats took less domestication and now comes to me when called, rolls over purring and talking and lets me pick her up. The two guys in the bedroom finally stopped hissing at me, but are trying to push out through the screen window; have to close the window as the rubber is wearing out there.

These cats almost seem to shapeshift! I had the patio door open 2 inches and one female made herself very skinny and slid out! Lol! how did she get her head through that tiny space? The door no longer slides either, due to missing castors. As well how did the other female get the furnace cover off?
It wasn't screwed down, but was on there pretty tight. Never underestimate a cat's ability to escape. Truly, as they say cats must have 9 lives, they are survivors, but without food and care, they can become diseased and live short lives as it's a struggle for them out there.

Feral cats are cats that may have had a home at one time, but the owner failed to fix them and let them outside and they had babies, then the babies had babies and you have yourself a feral colony in that case.

All across the nation there are colonies and they are dependent on people for sustenance. A homeless cat becomes distrustful of people. Sometimes folks just can't find the cat and move out of the area. Other times they abandon the cat on purpose.
They make it somebody's else's problem. Mine. And a bunch of others like me who recognize we need to do something for the cats, before rounding them up and killing them.
It wouldn't be so bad, but one cat and her subsequent offspring can produce thousands of homeless cats. I heard a nursing mother can even become pregnant again. That's harsh.

With a human, as comparison when the human mother is nursing, she secrets a chemical whereby it protects her from becoming pg while she is nursing; not so with cats I guess.
I bought a huge cage to contain a few cats until spay day, and the shapeshifter managed to bend back a metal sodered on piece and escape. It looks like this one will not get fixed until March possibly, if I can catch her again.

Veda, my neighbor told me a cat with the face of a skull crawled under her trailer with 2 broken legs and would cry under there. She finally got it out of there and it was put to sleep. Veda saw kitten in the street getting run over once. Veda is happy I'm on the job!

She has 6 small yapping dogs to attend to, plus one fixed cat in her house.
She told me, Alysia, I'm doing my part too. Somebody had tied to a table leg a little chihuahua in front of PetSmart.
Who you gonna call? why, Veda of course. Veda is older and somewhat crippled but she is doing her part for the sake of life. For animals.

I guess what I fear the most is my car breaking down on the highway with 5 cats in the back. I should think through a plan if that happened. I'd call the clinic and tell them please send out someone to pick them up right away.

After Sunday, maybe I can back to expressing music, my hobby again and writing on higher thought, but right now, I'm on a mission for life and it takes every spare moment of dedication and concentration because an animal can outwit you if they think their survival is at stake.

well, this certainly helped me to write this down. Please share with me in these changing times what would be your special mission and how do you keep the faith? It doesn't have to be necessarily environmental issues, but could be anything at all. We all have our role to play in life and I'm interested in yours.

My advice to myself is to be knowing these hard times pass away and in the end we only remember how good it was to go through them and behold the light of a new day and how strong we can be to get past them.
Love, alysia

BTW, I have so far 680 signatures on the above petition. That's pretty good and I thank each one that signed it. Goal is 1,000 before I take further action on it. And yay!!! 6 Toes, one of my favs, is saved! We got 11 cats fixed last month at the Heaven Can Wait clinic in Vegas, for feral cats, vets donate their time for the sake of homeless feral cats, once a month, to cut down their breeding situation. It's call the TNR program and works great.

Tomorrow! I fix another 5 and I will be nervously driving them over in a small car. They will be caged..hopefully they will be quiet as the others were on the drive.